Water System

Water Treatment Plant & Reservoir

The City maintains over 17 miles of water distribution lines throughout our service area.  Our water source is Bob's Creek which is north of the City.  Filtration is achieved through a cartridge-filter system, whereby raw water coming in passes through two storage reservoirs of a combined 260,000 gallon capacity that act as a settling basin, before being pumped into the Filtration Plant's pre- and final filters, before going into the 1.5 million gallon treated water reservoir.  The only chemical used throughout the entire filtration process is chlorine that is injected into the water during the filtration process, on a parts-per-million basis.  The City performs regular tests on its water to ensure that we continue to provide the safest, cleanest drinking water possible.

Below you will find more information about the City's water regulations, drinking water quality reports and other information we hope you will find helpful.